Tuesday, September 8, 2009

~BAB 17: sekali di tipu..aku tak akan percaya lagi...~

kencang gak amaran aku ni kan..
amik kau..
memang geram giler bile tau diri ini di tipu...

kisah bermula..
ari jumaat (040909)
one of my frend (naa) ask me to jalan2 at pertama kompleks
means that i can go to jalan TAR or Masjid India..
the place that i waiting for..
mmg lame dh nk g sane...
nk carik tudung rayer..

sampai kat sane..
my sis send a short message n ask me to buy a phone for her..
actually i already told her dat i'm gonna to pertama..
she asked me to tread in her old phone (nokia 2600 classic)..

i'm just step in n looking around..
there is it...
i'm found it..
sony ericson w880i..
sold by RM366..
hard to believe..
but dunno why..
terasa bodoh la plak..
trus je i terkam hp tu..
the worst thing..
the seller also..
menyampah je...
sakit ati tol la nk cite..
excited je nk suruh ak bli..
padahal aku x ckp ape pown...
just looking n still searching act...
terasa nk marah diri sendiri pun ade...

then, i bought it..
pasrah jer..

balik hostel...
dah mula confusing...
mcm ade sumething wrong je ni...
i try to check the hp..
hoping i found sumething...
dat phone look o.k to me..
then...ym with my ex-rumate (ikin)..
she aks me to accompany her to low yatt on saturday..
then i said ok..
she want to buy hp..
act, her hp had lost..
so sad..

at lowyat..
i want to buy screen protector for my sis hp..
then the seller ask me..
"where u buy it"
i'm said pertama..
guest what...
he just smilling..
i said why???
i hate dis sentence..
ur hp is not ori...
it's dummy...
2nd hand...
i want to cry....

i just tell my heart..
it's ok..
it's already happen.
no need to upset...
just hoping dat nothing happen wit it..
aku hanya harap hp aku x rosak je..
x kesah la 2nd hand pown...

so sad...saturday night...
i charge my hp...
sunday morning...
it can't open..
after i try so many times,
it cannot work..
it's mean dat..
it's BROKEN already...
just in a day...

i called ikin..
n asked her to keep accompany me to pertama..
so tired..
in 3 days..
i just walking in the day n sleep at the night..
no more things i can do..

sampai je kat pertama..
ape lagi..
aku trus serang die..
padan muka die..
nk tipu aku ye..
then, die bagi aku phone baru.
but i think it also dummy...
2nd hand..

paling truk lagi aku hasut sepasang suami isteri tu supaya jgn bli hp kat ctu...
padan muka dorg..
rugi dah utk 2 phone..
marah gak dorg kat aku...
tapi lantak la..
puas ati aku...
ni la yg buat aku akan lbh ati2 after dis..
menyesal x guna..
sbb aku cpt sgt wat kptsn..
don't ask me why..
becoz i dun have the answrs..


cik pelangi menulis mengikut gerak hati cik pelangi...kadang-kadang, kata-kata tidak menggambarkan perasaan sebenar cik pelangi..ayat yang digarap ditambah ritmanya agar menjadi lebih puitis..bila hati berbicara, apabila realiti dan fantasi bersatu, maka terhasillah karangan baru daripada cik pelangi